Thursday, December 28, 2006

Craving Chocolate

Most people in the office are on vacation this week, so it's very quiet. It's wonderful. There are only 2 engineers in this week (down from a whopping 4) and Mike is in charge because he has been here longer. However, Mike had to leave to go to one of our test labs yesterday for a few hours and I was in charge! Oh yeah.

Left side of the ravine again. It's becoming a nice normal running route. Did a good solid 26 minutes. Felt strong. Used the new socks and was careful about how tight I tied the shoes, but my left toes still tingled (not the same a tingling tail, mind you). I'm gonna call the guy at roadrunner to make sure this is okay and my toes aren't going to fall off one day on a long run.

Hey, tomorrow is Friday. Yes! Long live short weeks.

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